Norfold Island Youth Wellbeing Strategy

Watawieh Norf’k Ailen Yang Salan el du Wael

Fe yang salan, lorng a yang salan

For young people, with young people


You are the future of Norfolk Island. It is vital you feel empowered to live a good life.

Share your voice about your wellbeing needs. Help us to work together with you to design the Norfolk Island Youth Wellbeing Strategy.

For you, with you.

Watawieh Norf’k Ailen Yang Salan el du Wael – Wuts et?

Norfolk Island Youth Wellbeing Strategy – what is it?


Wellbeing is what you need to do well, grow, and have a good life (liw guud).

What you tell us you need to live a good life will go in the Norfolk Island Youth Wellbeing Strategy.


The Strategy will outline the vision, strengths, and actions needed to support Norfolk Island young people to live a good life. The strengths are the things that are helping you now. The actions will be things like:

  • activities
  • programs
  • services, and
  • policies, which can help support youth wellbeing.

The Strategy will help guide resources. It could also help with asking for funding for actions.

D’wieh yorlyi el tal wathing yorlyi laik fe liw guud

Have your say to codesign the Norfolk Island Youth Wellbeing Strategy

Share what you think about youth wellbeing to affect decisions made for young people. Stand up for the support needed for young people now and in the future.

To thank you for being involved we will provide some food and drinks at the meetings. Gift vouchers will also be provided for some activities. And being on the lead group will look great on your resume.

Choose from the ways below to help design the Strategy. (Click on each one to learn more.)

1. Youth lead project group

Join other young people to design the Norfolk Island Youth Wellbeing Strategy.

To join send your name, age, and email address to email or message mobile +672350879.

Decide the detail of the Strategy by sharing your view on what it will look like:

  • The vision or dream you want for young people to live a good life.
  • The way you want services and the community to work with young people.
  • The wellbeing areas and what each one means for young people.
  • What you think young people on Norfolk Island need to live a good life for each wellbeing area.
  • Your thoughts on the draft Strategy before it is a final version.

The group will meet three times out of work and school hours. The meetings will go for 1.5 to 2 hours to make sure there’s enough time to get your thoughts. You might need to do some work before the meeting if you have time.

It will look great on your resume. We will provide some food and drinks at the meetings. Gift vouchers will also be provided.

2. Youth group talk

The youth groups below were asked about youth wellbeing:

  • Youth subgroup of the Norfolk Island Mental Health Awareness Group
  • Norfolk Island Central School Student Representative Council
  • Norfolk Island Regional Council Youth Advisory Committee
  • NI-Connect Holiday Wellbeing Program casual youth staff.

3. One on one or small group talk

Services that support young people will ask if you want to talk about youth wellbeing.

There are some quick questions about what you think young people need to live a good life. And some more detailed questions about the areas of wellbeing.

You choose how much or little you want to talk.

To thank you for being involved we will offer some gift vouchers.

To do a one on one or small group talk, email or message your name to +672351115.

4. Online survey

Answer questions online about what you think young people on Norfolk Island need to live a good life.

Click the link below to fill in the survey.

5. Drop-in session

Come share what you think about the actions needed to help young people to live a good life. We will provide some food and drinks at the sessions.

6. Tell your friends and other young people to have their say

DM and share posts on how they can share their voice.

7. Final say on the Draft Strategy

Have a say on the things you think we should add or change to get it right for you.

We will also ask the community to share their view on the draft Strategy.

To share your view and keep up to date with what’s happening:


More information

Norfolk Island Youth Wellbeing Strategy project outline for young people


Click to open an explanation of the codesign of the Strategy.

Some questions and answers about what we’re doing

Click on the questions below to see the answer.

Fua yorlyi ort fe du et?

Why should you help codesign?

Some things have changed in the community which affect wellbeing. What you tell us you need to have a good life will go in the Strategy.

Getting involved and having a say means:

  • Your needs and what’s important to you will be at the core of the Strategy.
  • You can affect choices made for young people. This could be for things like:
    • activities
    • programs
    • services, and
    • policies, which help young people live a good life.
  • You can stand up for the support young people need for wellbeing now and in the future.

Codesign, wats daa?

What does codesign mean?

Young people will design the Strategy. We will do the research to provide information to help.

Young people have chosen the ways we are asking you to have a say about wellbeing.

We want to work together on what the Strategy looks like. And for you to tell us what should go in it.

For you, with you.

Co-design Spectrum

Image source: VIC Health.

Who’s de fau en watawieh gwen use et?

Who is the Norfolk Island Youth Wellbeing Strategy for? How is the Strategy going to be used?

It is for Norfolk Island young people approximately 12-25 years of age. For you, with you.

It will outline what we’re already doing and what you think are opportunities to strengthen, develop, and advocate for youth wellbeing, now and in the future.

The Strategy will provide the framework to guide alignment and collaborative support for actions across service providers, the government and community of Norfolk Island.

The Strategy could help with asking for funding or developing activities, services, and programs to support youth wellbeing.

Fua we ort fe du et?

Why we need it

It is vital that young people are empowered to thrive and have a good life. The Norfolk Island Community Strategic Plan 2016-2026: Our Plan Our Future, includes the objective to “support and foster active, healthy, informed and empowered youth.”

Young people have experienced changes in community and societal factors, which effect wellbeing. Some of these changes have included:

  • Loss of self-governance since 2016
  • Provision of welfare and social support services
  • Transition to new providers for education and health in 2022
  • The COVID-19 pandemic
  • Challenges related to increased living expenses, food security, shipping supplies, increase in population, housing availability, and waste management.
  • Climate change and experience of extreme weather events, such as drought.

Initial findings, from the scoping for this project, support the need to develop a Norfolk Island Youth Wellbeing Strategy. There are a range of universal wellbeing services and activities available. However, there are opportunities to:

  • improve engagement through capacity building, promotion and access to services.
  • provide tailored and targeted support, services and activities for young people.
  • enhance systems, such as coordination of existing and new policies and programs, to support wellbeing.
  • collaboratively integrate the delivery of youth centred wellbeing services.
  • facilitate empowering young people to share their voice on wellbeing needs.

It is also important that heritage, traditions and culture, which contribute to the wellbeing of Norfolk Island young people, is sustained.

Further understanding the wellbeing needs of Norfolk Island young people, as part of the development of the Strategy, will help to:

  • identify strengths, gaps and opportunities to meet their needs
  • support the development of policies, services, programs and activities that have the needs of young people at their core
  • respect and value culture, heritage and traditions
  • support young people to thrive and have a good life, laying the foundations for future health and wellbeing.

Wathing yang salan hata haew fe liw guud?

What do young people on Norfolk Island need to have a good life?

Wellbeing is what you need to do well, grow, and have a good life (liw guud). Your ‘way of life’ is unique due to the culture and remote spot of Norfolk Island.

Research shows there are six areas young people need for wellbeing to have a good life. (Goodhue, R., Dakin, P., Noble, K. (2021) What’s in the Nest? ARACY.) These are in the picture below. The Norfolk Island Youth Wellbeing Strategy will use these and show strengths and actions to support young people.

(Image source: Maribyrnong Council Strategy for Children, Young People and their Families 2030.)

Yu bin miit lornga aklans elders?

Have you met with the Norfolk Island Council of Elders about this?

We met with the Norfolk Island Council of Elders in December 2022. We asked for their endorsement of the project and support to establish a youth leadership group.

The Norfolk Island Council of Elders have provided in principle support and value the importance of young people.

We give ongoing updates and seek the Norfolk Island Council of Elders advice.

Wuus do’en de? Fut dem de wan do’en de?

Who am I? Why am I the person doing this

Kym Buffett is a consultant contracted by Key Assets – NI-Connect to lead this project.

I am a Norfolk Islander, passionate about young people; the future of Norfolk Island. I have relevant experience and knowledge:

  • Living on Norfolk Island as a Pitcairn Island descendant
  • Developing, implementing and evaluating policies, strategies and programs for children and young people.
  • Developing and completing research and consultation and engagement strategies.
  • Developing program and promotional resources and tools, including communication strategies and material.
  • Working collaboratively with key stakeholders to achieve shared outcomes.
  • Establishing and supporting the former Norfolk Island Youth Advisory Committee for the Norfolk Island Regional Council.

Wuus dem? Wathing dem du ya?

Who is NI-Connect? What do they do here?

Click on the links to learn more about NI-Connect and what we do

Working with Norfolk Island’s families in today’s world

Using the centre

This is your Centre and we welcome community groups to use the space during the day and also after hours. There are private meeting rooms as well as a large community space. Rooms can be booked free of charge.

What’s On

NI-Connect Holiday Wellbeing Program

| Informative Events, Social Events | No Comments
Name: Holiday Wellbeing Program Date: Every school holidays Description: The NI-Connect Holiday Program aims to…


Who is eligible?

This service is available for families with children up to the age of 18, who are living on Norfolk Island. Young people over the age of 18 seeking advice and support are also encouraged to access our service for free and confidential advice and support.

What are the fees?

This service is free of any charges.

How do I access the service?

Families can access the service via Booked appointments and drop-in 8:30am-5:00pm Monday to Friday, self-referral, or through informal word of mouth referral from a friend, family member, school, GP, police or other community service.

Where are you located?

NI-Connect and the Child and Family Wellbeing Team are located on Taylors Road at the Bounty Centre. We are staffed Monday to Friday and encourage parents and families to drop in for a coffee, or to chat with the staff. Booked appointments and drop-in is available.

Future referrals

If you would like to make an appointment or would like more information about the services the Norfolk Island Child and Family Wellbeing Team provide, please call us on 23380 or after hours on 51115 or email

Key partnerships

At times, the Child and Family Wellbeing Team will establish key partnerships with other services, including co-location in shared premises. One key partnership includes a dedicated space for Letl Salan Toy Library, to increase community access to toys and equipment for families with small children.

Other free and confidential services

You can also access confidential off-Island support and advice by calling:

1800RESPECT (phone 1800 737 732 or visit – a free and confidential national sexual assault and domestic family violence counselling service

Kids Helpline (phone 1800 55 1800 or visit – a free and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for children and young people aged 5 to 25, as well as their parents or carers.

Contact Us

NI-Connect and the Child and Family Wellbeing Team are located on Taylors Road at the Bounty Centre. We are staffed 8:30am – 5pm Monday to Friday and encourage parents and families to drop in for a coffee, or to chat with the staff. Booked appointments and drop-in is available.

Call us on 23380 or after hours on 51115
Free Call 0222
If calling from outside Norfolk Island
please add the prefix 00116723


At NI-Connect we welcome your feedback so that we can ensure that we are meeting the needs of the local community. To provide your feedback, please see the “NI-Connect Feedback Form” within the Downloads section. Alternatively, please drop by the NI-Connect office to request a copy of our printed version

Email Us


If you would like to make an appointment
or would like more information about the
services please contact the office.

Call us on 23380 or after hours on 51115
Free Call 0222
If calling from outside Norfolk Island
please add the prefix 00116723

Email Us


To book a room for your next activity, either;

Drop in and chat to the Unit Manager, or
Call us on 23380 or
after hours on 51115 to discuss your needs.


If you have any concerns for the safety and well-being of a child or young person please contact

Norfolk Island Police
Phone: 22222

Child Welfare Officer
23380 (landline) or 51115 (mobile).

Norfolk Island Regional Council

Statement of Respect

We undertake to act with honesty and integrity, to conduct ourselves in a way that engenders trust and confidence in the decisions we make, and the actions we take on behalf of the Norfolk Island community. We acknowledge the Norfolk Island people, the traditional custodians of this Island.

Some things have changed in the community which affect wellbeing. What you tell us you need to have a good life will go in the Strategy.


Getting involved and having a say means:

  • Your needs and what’s important to you will be at the core of the Strategy.
  • You can affect choices made for young people. This could be for things like:
    • activities
    • programs
    • services, and
    • policies, which help young people live a good life.
  • You can stand up for the support young people need for wellbeing now and in the future.