
December 2024- January 2025

By January 30, 2025 No Comments

The NI-Connect Holiday Wellbeing Program delivers a variety of interesting and enriching activities that
are designed to give children a range of experiences and opportunities during the school holidays – giving them a chance to try something new, enjoy cultural activities and most importantly HAVE FUN!! The Holiday Wellbeing program is funded by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts and is delivered four times a year. The program was formed to ensure a safe and supervised environment for children to attend during the holidays. From parent, children and staff feedback we continue to develop and change the program to try and meet the needs of many people and community members.

Once again, the Team at NI-Connect have been busy creating another program with a huge number of
activities and adventures. We had a good number of children access the program from Prep to Yr 6, some for a few days and some for the whole 8 days.

The 1st week started on Monday 16th December and with the weather looking a little grey we didn’t know if the rain would hold off, even though we needed the rain. Prep to Yr 2 were bussed from Rawson Hall to the magical Music Valley where they enjoyed a very interesting talk from Jane and explored the valley, plants and some island culture. Yr 3-Yr6 were off on buses as well exploring the island on a Geocaching activity, the kids came back to Rawson raving about the experiences.

Tuesday 17th was a massive Kingston Day with the famous waterslide at Government House hill and variety of field games. After lunch it was off to the cool water of Emily Bay where the prep to yr 2 built sandcastles and swam and the yr3-yr6 met up with Susan Prior to have a talk about the marine life in Emily Bay before going snorkelling to see what they could find. The afternoon was cooled off with a much-needed ice block.

Wednesday 18th Prep – Yr 2 had fun creating some Christmas photos, Christmas cards and Christmas crafts, whilst Yr-3 – Yr6 – had a visit to the EMNI shed to hear a talk about Cyclone ready and safety from Bruce Taylor. They then returned to Rawson and made some Christmas cards as well.
Thursday 19th Kingston Day – morning was made up of team building games and field games. After lunch children walked over to Emily Bay where they got a surprise and with the help of Trish and her “Mine Yus Plet” catering, where children had fun creating their own ice cream. This finished off a very busy and warm week 1 of the Holiday Program.

Highlights from the first week were the visit to Music Valley, waterslide and soft serve ice cream making.

After a break over Christmas and the New Year, we kicked off the 2nd week starting on Monday 20th January, with the Prep – Yr 2 hitting the pool at South Pac with a splash. Children enjoyed the time swimming and were treated to some hot chicken nuggets and chips at the end. Thanks to Pinetree’s for transporting the kids. Yr3-Yr6 got busy in the Supper Room creating Lego creations and giving Lego Robotics a go. They were able to make their creations then set the codes and watch their creations move. Lots of fun and excitement was had with the new Robotic sets.

Tuesday 21st Kingston day – another fun full day with the morning kicking off with swimming at Emily Bay and beach activities, followed by lunch, free play and then some field games and other outdoor activities. Children had a ball and left in the afternoon exhausted.

Wednesday 22nd – Prep – Yr 2 took a bus trip to the EMNI shed (near the Fire station) where Bruce Taylor gave a talk about Cyclone ready and safety. The children asked some great questions. Yr3-Yr6 had a visit by Doug Creek from the NI Volunteer Rescue, who gave a talk to the kids around what they do and the types of things they deal with.

Thursday 23rd – 2nd Kingston day!! Weather was amazing and with the warm weather the waterslide was another welcomed activity, followed by a yummy sausage sizzle, supplied and cooked by the NI Police (Thank you) and then the young scavengers explored Kingston collecting clues to return and solve their riddles. The afternoon was finished off with a nice frozen Zooper Dooper to cool everyone down.

Highlights from the second week were, once again of course the water slide and Kingston activities, South Pac Pool and the new Lego Robotic goodies.

Once again, the two weeks were full of fun, excitement, creativity and laughter. It was another amazing program, and we are thankful for all those that continue to support and assist us in delivering this program for the children of Norfolk Island.

A massive thank you to the incredibly generous individuals, families, and businesses who helped make the Holiday Wellbeing Program such a success…
Pinetree Tours
Government House/ KAVHA Susan Prior
Trish Le Mura – Mine Yus Plet Norfolk Island Regional Council
Jane Rutledge – Music Valley EMNI – Bruce Taylor
Norfolk Island Health and Wellbeing Norfolk Island Police
South Pacific Resort
NI Volunteer Rescue -Doug Creek

To our casuals and young leaders, we are so grateful for how much effort you put into making sure all the kids have fun.

Daniel Anderson ,Amy Quintal, Harley Massey, Emma Holland,Tahlia Marshman, Theo Watson, Eliza Holland, Lola Robinson, Heidi Thomas, Rebel Greenwood , Leeloo Evans, Noah Marshman Tighe Judd, Cassie McCoy, Kevin Knapp, Tilly Menzies-Thompson ,Sebastian Grant
Darlene Grant ,Ben Grant, Alyssa Anderson, Lisa Smith, River Andrew, Kingston Menzies Charlotte Goodall Vuni Kotobalavu, Rawson Buffett, Debbie McGregor, Lukas Andrew, Zechariah Pettet, Tyla Schmitz,
Kelly Schmitz ,Jordan Disley, Fletcher Buffett ,Sophie O’Connor, Pheona Heslop, Stephaine Williams Hayley Laffan, Safi Demaine.

NI-Connect are already in the process of planning the next Holiday Wellbeing Program.
If you would like to work for the program, or do you have any unique skills or knowledge that you would like to pass onto the next generation through a workshops or activities, then we would love to hear from you!

NI-Connect on Taylors Road at the Bounty Centre. OR Call: 23380 or Email: brigette.graham@keyassets.org.au
Acknowledgement: NI-Connect’s child and family wellbeing services are funded by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.